By asdfasdf - 03/03/2009 15:38 - United States

Today, I was sitting beside this cute guy on a bench. Suddenly, he goes, "I know we don't know each other very well, but would you like to have dinner on Saturday?" I turn to him with a goofy smile, and exclaim "I'D LOVE TO!" He gives me a weird look, turns his head and points to his Bluetooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 903
You deserved it 22 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those bluetooth things are so annoying! One guy had one while standing next to me at a urinal. Imagine my suprise when he said "I'll come in a minute"..


A couple problems/questions: 1) Why did you not hear any conversation beforehand? That seems like an odd thing with which to start a conversation. At least a hello and an introduction in case it wasn't obvious, or a "how are you?" or anything. 2) He wasn't looking at you and you still thought he was talking to you? 3) He said he didn't know you very well when technically he didn't know you at all, but you didn't catch that? C'mon now.

Bluetooth is soooo annoying and misleading. But seriously, would a stranger really waste his time asking you to dinner? Self-centered much? Probably. I agree with #44.

#22 - I watched the video, and yeah. It's definitely probably adapted from that.

mcnordan 0

I completely agree... FYL. I hate the "blue-tooth assholes". They just make people look like they are talking to themselves and have some kind of mental disorder. And they cause awkward situations like this all the time. All of the people I have seen using them don't have any reason to be using them either. They could easily be holding a phone up to their face like NORMAL people. Besides, if you are so overworked that you can't even spare 1 hand to hold a phone up maybe you should be concentrating on what you are doing and not on your blue tooth. I have nothing but the utmost sympathy for people who are victimized by blue tooth users.

Ahh, that's terrible! Omg I would be embarrassed for weeks. I feel for you. :/

cuttybuddy 0

I hate those bluetooth assholes too. Next time, you should just start yelling random stuff so the person on the other end could hear. Since he was asking a girl out you should have tried to make his conversation as awkward as possibly by yelling obscenities and random comments into his phone like "stop touching my thigh you pervert: or "sir, you dropped your Preparation H"

HAHA! Omg tht is so embarrasing. I feel it 4 u. Ive had alot of moments lik tht

kayasdfghj 0

omg awwwww. thats so embarrasing

jamieallover 0

i don't think it's fake. i've had the same thing happen, honestly... i was walking through a grocery store when a lady i just passed goes, "oh my gosh hey!! wow it's been so long since i've seen you!" i turned, smiled, and said, "hi there." only to realize she's looking at me with this "wtf" stare and turns back to her buggy and i notice the earpiece. i definitely felt like a moron.

imhawaiian 0