By 117halo12345 - 17/12/2015 21:37 - United States - Sedgewickville

Today, I was showing my 4 year old some of my fire magic tricks. I ended up getting 2nd degree burns on my left hand and burnt off half of her hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 281
You deserved it 21 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why were you trying to show a 4 year old a magic trick with fire anyways? Hope you'll both heal soon.

CrassKal 27

I really hope it stopped at the hair and she didn't get burnt as well. No offense towards you, but I'm more sympathetic towards the child.


Why were you trying to show a 4 year old a magic trick with fire anyways? Hope you'll both heal soon.

BeautifulChaos27 37

Unless you are 100% sure you know what you're doing don't mess with fire.

Coming from someone who deals with fire, even if you're the best fire master in the world, there's always a chance of getting burned. Fire is like the ocean. It cannot be tamed.

BeautifulChaos27 37

Yes, but if you know 100% what you're doing, you also know to be prepared for when something goes wrong.

CrassKal 27

I really hope it stopped at the hair and she didn't get burnt as well. No offense towards you, but I'm more sympathetic towards the child.

Might not be setting the best example for your 4 year old

It's all fun and games 'til you burn someone's hair off...scary!

Your how old? Ok OP..Since you were never taught this, listen to a FireFighter, DONT PLAY WITH FIRE. Sorry but... YDI.

he right giving a bad example by teaching to your kids its okay to play with fire until you get burned. but hey atleast you learned your lessons FIRE+IDOTS=2ND DEGREE BURNS

*you're and "firefighter" is a compound word and also not a proper noun so it is not capitalized. You both need more classes lol

"And that's how you vanish your skin, sweety"

at first I thought you were using "fire" as an adjective to describe your magic tricks and I was like oh god.