Social parasites

By Dank memes - 16/08/2021 22:01 - United States - Leesburg

Today, I can’t even find a place to rent. Every place has dozens of applications, with several offering well over asking price. I just graduated from college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 868
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My crystal ball say's it won't get any better any time soon, same problem. I ended up buying a triplex the numbers work out a lot better when you have 2 other groups subsidizing your mortgage.

I have today seen a guy commenting he's considering going to rehab even though he doesn't need it, just to have a roof over his head


My crystal ball say's it won't get any better any time soon, same problem. I ended up buying a triplex the numbers work out a lot better when you have 2 other groups subsidizing your mortgage.

I have today seen a guy commenting he's considering going to rehab even though he doesn't need it, just to have a roof over his head

I wasn't going to say it, then I read the comments. I once knew a doctor who made the decision to drive a truck for a short time to defer his student loans. The same can be said for a place to stay. The good news, pay is way up. The bad news, it's driving a truck.

I've been out of hs for 10 years and graduated from college 5 years back just bought my first place and I close on it on the 17th

I graduated from college. Seems like a good place to brag about that.

I don't know where you live but I know there's THOUSANDS of rentals in my area alone. You're a college graduate, you move where life takes you.