By anon - 17/12/2015 18:45

Today, I had to explain to someone in my class who Gandhi really was and that he was not a fictional goblin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 639
You deserved it 1 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Day by day my faith in the long term survival of our species is slowly being whittled away. Stuff like this literally hurts my brain.

I'm so surprised that in a computer generation people are just dumber than ever with all the knowledge at their fingertips and yet people say things like this so common sense is not so common and ignorance is running rampant


Day by day my faith in the long term survival of our species is slowly being whittled away. Stuff like this literally hurts my brain.

How I feel when I watch 'Questions' from World Star Hiphop...

Mathalamus 24

Uh, Indian history isn't that important. Doubly so if you aren't in India. I tend to excuse lack of knowledge. There are far, far worse ones out there.

52, the Indians suffered at the hands of imperialism. Know your history so you don't repeat it. I don't excuse lack of knowledge because idiots **** this world up constantly.

#52 History is important, especially your own; how else could we avoid our past mistakes? (Not that it works with that ass Trump, but hopefully he's the exception that will be soon stopped) Not knowing your own history is a trait I associate with uncaring idiots because of this. Other than that, Gandhi is one of the figureheads of peace. He's known all over the world for his accomplishments so really, confusing him with a fictional creature can almost be considered as a crime against humanity.

Badkarma4u 17

Why, unless you are indian that racist douchebag is irrelevant.

Hammer1722 19

I feel like you played too much Civilisation 5 #58

Badkarma4u 17

I feel like you know nothing about Mahatma Gandhi #65.

How do some of these people get through their days?

star14394 20

Give the gift of Christmas by teaching a history lesson

I'm so surprised that in a computer generation people are just dumber than ever with all the knowledge at their fingertips and yet people say things like this so common sense is not so common and ignorance is running rampant

andrmac 25

More interested in looking at cats and drama instead of reading and understanding whatever you hear about, read about or come upon that you don't know or fully understand. That's and just being offended at everything that everyone says or does.

littleteapot 21

Well there have been plenty of dumb people in past generations. We're just able to hear about them more thanks to our computers and mobile devices. We wouldn't have known about this Ghandi conversation unless we were there or in the social circle of someone who was there.

Maybe because knowledge is at their fingertips. Maybe some of them think: "Why bother learning somthing when you can just check it up online when you may need it?"

Technology is creating a generation of idiots, however. Many of the youth of this generation rely on knowledge being a click away rather than actually taking the time to learn it.

Because they are more eager to push other peoples buttons than press those buttons on their phones.

I'm surprised your classmate didn't know about the leader voted most likely to go nuclear

MedChew 19

That dates back to Civilization 3, I think Where an error in Gandhi's programming made him extremely aggressive towards the end game lol

MedChew 19

Indeed, but the error was in Civ 1. What supposedly happened was Gandhi has a base aggression of 0 but upon reaching the endgame, the aggression for every civ is dialled back by 1. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as negative aggression and his aggression factor looped back to maximum. There you have it, gandhi nukes everybody. They kept it in the subsequent games when they can because it's hilarious

I remember that, Gandhi wanted to fight me almost every turn in that game.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around why someone would think Gandhi was a Goblin

RedPillSucks 31

are they mixing up Ghandi and Gandalf?

I dunno what film you were watching but in the one I saw gandalf was a wise angelic being sent to guide the forces of good against an evil oppressor, not a ******* goblin.

Pretty sure they're mistaking him for Gollum. Still not a goblin, but closer than Gandhi is to a goblin.

RedPillSucks 31

@25 no need to be a jerk. they could have mixed up lots of things, none of which might make sense.

Punch that idiot in the face! That's so damn sad.