Where are you? Oh, there you are

By stood-up - 12/09/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I filed a missing persons report on my boyfriend. He was out fishing and then was supposed to meet me for a romantic weekend getaway. He never showed up and didn't respond to my texts. I found out, courtesy of a voicemail from the sheriff's department, that he'd broken up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 680
You deserved it 4 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor you. But still, why did you file a missing report almost immediatly after he was 'disappeared', instead of A) going to his house, B) call his parents, C) call his job/school? A little over the top, isn't it?

ydi for jumping from unanswered texts to missing persons report, ease up ya psychopath, take a hint


Today, while I was fishing, I received massive amounts of text. The police was looking for me and I've to explain my Ex didn't know we aren't attached anymore. FML

SunshineBoy21 0

or better yet; Today: I was out fishing and the sheriff's office tracked me down because my crazy ass girlfriend can't go half a day without blowing up my phone. So, I asked the deputy to tell that nut job that we are through and when I unhooked my 8lb bass, I went to the court to file a restraining order. The flip sides of these FML's are great!

That proposed guy sounds like an idiot, after all only one would break up with someone using the police. You also can't report a missing person under half a day, and you can't file a restraining order with no reason.

KingDingALing 9

Ok, no more shit jokes... OP- you do sound like a crazy bitch

SmallTownCutie 0

I'm sorry, because that does suck, but you seem extremely clingy. Did you bother calling his parents or friends?

Well OP didn't mention how long it had been. It could have been a day or two. But why the hell would she file one? we need more information on this one

Yes that is a bit over the top, but I understand somewhat. My bf went missing all day yesterday, after not showing up for a tournament with his nephew. We knew he had left to go there, and no one anywhere had heard from him, so I was pretty worried, but waited it out, and sure enough, he showed up later that night. sometimes you have to be a little patient

congrats #3, you won today's "I Almost Made It" award. lol, just kidding ... you ALMOST won it.

MajorSchnitzel 0

waynes world! waynes world! party time! excellent!

yummycupcakegirl 0

we have the sme birthday. And shane dawsons videos r cool especially shanaynay

Fortunately, we don't have the same birthday. For some reason the date I set changes randomly. And Shane Dawson is annoying. Kill yourself.

overthelimit 3

damn. your ex is a pussy. or you just didnt listen to his not-so-subtle hints that he didnt want you anymore.

Darko21 5

Hooray for Herpes! Wait.. That's not right?

ydi for jumping from unanswered texts to missing persons report, ease up ya psychopath, take a hint

lalala31_fml 0

Poor you. But still, why did you file a missing report almost immediatly after he was 'disappeared', instead of A) going to his house, B) call his parents, C) call his job/school? A little over the top, isn't it?

Calling parents is huge taboo. Brings bad luck for years.

D) Talking it over with your psychiatrist first...

I agree, she should have tried harder to figure out where the boyfriend was. However the police generally don't let you file a report until they've been missing for 48 hours or something. So she probably hadn't heard from him in a few days.

tmmundy 17

true, it has to be at most 48 hours, she prob just didn't give all the details thinking we cld figure that much out....haha

Unfortunately looks like most people here can't figure it out XD

how do you know this person didn't check out all avenues before filing a police report? FML only gives you so many words to tell your story.

I'm not a clingy bitch, but being worried enough to file a report doesn't seem unreasonable to me given the circumstances. Assuming the OP's boyfriend was at least normally reliable. Her boyfriend went AWOL after going fishing - likely somewhere remote and/or on the water - the odds of an accident are higher than than him just deciding to bail on fairly major plans without notice and then avoid any/all contact. OP probably sent quite a lot of concerned messages (and calls) before going to the cops - at the very least, her boyfriend should have replied that he was fine, even if he was going to be an asshole and not ever break up directly. And as other posters have noted, for the police to consider it, this is over at minimum a 48h window. However, I do agree that if they've been going out long enough to have mutual friends, she should have contacted some of them as well to see if they knew anything. Maybe she did, and they didn't...

A lot of people are assuming that she didn't, but there's obviously not enough characters for her to include all that.

always a good bad when you dont receive ona of those!