By BrokeInLove - 30/06/2009 19:55 - France

Today, I was shopping for rings with my fiancée. We spent over 2 hours selecting the perfect ring and diamond to match. When filling out the paperwork I discovered I left my wallet at home. She had to pay the 20% down payment for the ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 217
You deserved it 52 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch, that sucks but you can always pay her back.


Eames59 0

A foreshadow of your marriage. OBVIOUSLY. Hit us up with a FML divorce story.

B_Ez88 0

well ur sweet to feel guilty enough to write an fml : )

pfunk129 1

in hindsight, you were smart for doing that. after marriage she will bleed your money out

Ah, well at least you care enough to feel bad about it. Straight home to the wallet afterwards though, right?

whEEzy03 0

Either pay her back enjoy it or keep her happy to pay off the money she spent for your love!

EPIC FAIL ... if i was ur fiancee i wud be pretty peeved :|

um it's called reserving and coming back later..

Just pay her back and apologize. no problem.

Reimburse her when you get home. Problem solved.

that sucks but it's not a big of a deal. if she really loves u she went mind