By Anonymous - 09/05/2015 03:31 - United States

Today, my college charged me for tuition for next semester. I graduated 2 years ago. I have a degree from a place too stupid to only charge current students. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 635
You deserved it 2 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like they didn't already charge you enough money.

or maybe a college who thinks its former students would be stupid enough to pay


You should contact the college to get that reverted if you haven't already done so.

sonasonic 34

Awww they care about your education! *ahem* and not your money *ahem*

Like they didn't already charge you enough money.

Have they been doing this for the 2 years you've been graduated??

That sucks OP!! You should call them ASAP and let them know what has happened. I hope they get rid of the charges.

TweetAnne 13

Maybe it's a sign that you should get your master's degree or PHD. Just make sure you go to another school.

They must be charging you for having a degree because your using what they gave you

"Hi, this is "name", student number X. I already graduated from this institution 2 years ago. Why're you charging me for next semester"? "Duuuhhhhhhh…"

or maybe a college who thinks its former students would be stupid enough to pay

Well there's nothing they can do to you then. It's not like they can kick you out of a school u don't attend

OP you should really talk to them, also be glad that you don't go there anymore