By Anonymous - 03/06/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I was riding on my bike when a guy on the street shouted, "I LOVE YOU!" at me. I recently told my boyfriend I loved him, and his response was, "I don't love you but I won't treat you any differently." Perverts on the street love me, but my boyfriend doesn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 625
You deserved it 5 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

The person on the street was just a random crazy and your boyfriend doesn't have to love you. In fact, what bothers me the most is when people say "I love you" just because they're in a relationship... even if they aren't really in love. #1, her boyfriend isn't an ass for telling the truth. AND he said he won't treat her any differently. He sounds like a gem.

crownme 0

Wow your bf is a genius, that's the perfect reponse!


Ydi. Your taking a random stranger seriously while bashing your bf for trying to make u understand that you NEVER EVER ask someone if they love you. Its awkward and youll usually be disappointed

Cdldriver 0

And what the hell are you doing with someone who does not love you?

#2- yes her bf is an ass for leading her on and going out with her but not loving her. #140 - yes but SHE loves him..

you know relationships have a point where both people aren't quite in love yet but still are getting to know each other

If you and your boyfriend are minors, then he's smart. You're not in love

rustyrox 0

Dump him! You're wasting energy on him. He won't treat you differently bc he's getting what he wants. Not fair to you!

infowarrior 0