By Anonymous - 03/06/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I was riding on my bike when a guy on the street shouted, "I LOVE YOU!" at me. I recently told my boyfriend I loved him, and his response was, "I don't love you but I won't treat you any differently." Perverts on the street love me, but my boyfriend doesn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 625
You deserved it 5 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

The person on the street was just a random crazy and your boyfriend doesn't have to love you. In fact, what bothers me the most is when people say "I love you" just because they're in a relationship... even if they aren't really in love. #1, her boyfriend isn't an ass for telling the truth. AND he said he won't treat her any differently. He sounds like a gem.

crownme 0

Wow your bf is a genius, that's the perfect reponse!


I like how lots of people are saying that you should dump him because he didn't say he loved you back. What if you've only been dating for like 3 weeks? That's not really long enough for "love." Give it time, ffs. And to everyone saying "dump him," etc., how long have they been dating? Exactly. No idea.

Love should be reciprocal. If you love him, and you know it for a fact (you're not just saying it because you feel like it'd be a cute thing to say), but he genuinely does not think he currently loves you, the relationship should end. NOT because it's his fault, because it isn't. It's not your fault either. He can't help what he doesn't feel yet. You can't help what you do feel. It's just that if one of you thinks you're in love, and the other one doesn't, you're going to be on completely different pages waiting for the other shoe to drop. My opinion.

At least he's honest. Wouldn't you be mad if he said he loves you and didn't mean it? The guys on the street were just joking. Your boyfriend takes it seriously, and that means he cares about you.

They prbly weren't even taking to you Get over urself :)

Don't be mad that your boyfriend doesn't love you... it's not his fault. As much as I wish you could... there's no way you can force yourself to love someone else. I think it was really mature and respectful of him to be honest with you and say that, yes he likes you but he's not going to lie to you for the sake of "saying it back". I think it's silly of you to be mad that he didn't say it back. Work on patience and trust in the relationship and if it's meant to be... in time, he will say it.

Arisel 0

Being loved by a pervert on the street is better than not being loved at all... Your life's not ******.

lol how can u say he's your boyfriend if he doesn't love u?

mickulit0315 0
kiwistrwbry08 0

Unless this is a new relationship that you're in, then your boyfriend sounds pretty mean. In relationships, it can take awhile for a person to know how they really feel, so if it's been awhile, I hope he was just joking, but if it's new, don't sweat it yet. Love takes time to develop :)