By Anonymous - 03/06/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I was riding on my bike when a guy on the street shouted, "I LOVE YOU!" at me. I recently told my boyfriend I loved him, and his response was, "I don't love you but I won't treat you any differently." Perverts on the street love me, but my boyfriend doesn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 625
You deserved it 5 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

The person on the street was just a random crazy and your boyfriend doesn't have to love you. In fact, what bothers me the most is when people say "I love you" just because they're in a relationship... even if they aren't really in love. #1, her boyfriend isn't an ass for telling the truth. AND he said he won't treat her any differently. He sounds like a gem.

crownme 0

Wow your bf is a genius, that's the perfect reponse!


MielFuzz 0

Are you serious, guys? You don't go out with people that don't love you? How do you even manage asking someone out for the first time with that kind of attitude, if you claim you can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend that doesn't love you? Grow up. You'll never end up with any good relationships otherwise. As for the OP, don't take everything seriously, and the fact that your boyfriend said that is an extremely good sign.

guess13_fml 0

From experience, I would say he's gonna dump you soon. My ex told me the same and then we broke up a couple of weeks later. Obliously he's not interested in you anymore but he cant just say it or he doesnt wanne be single until he finds ne next one! I agree with the others that if you dont feel like it, you should not say. Its so much better than lying of course at least he's honest. But If one doesnt love someone why do they date? Why does he call himself your "boyfriend"? He could be just a guy that you "hang out"

I know plenty of adults love riding bikes, but I get the feeling this is an underage girl in a relationship for the sake of having a relationship.

Lol, he was probably just kidding.

Lol I relate the guys in NYC can be creepy......

judgmentalbear 0

some people actually take the word "love" seriously. Your boyfriend is honest. But I guess some random weirdo from the street is more suitable for you XD

Wow that's harsh...ditch the asshole...don't waste a minute more of your time! I'm pretty sure u can do much better! It's like they say, "his loss"!