Reverse Uno prank

By Anonymous - 13/08/2023 12:00 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my best friend, who I hadn’t seen since last year, picked me up and we got to talking about our memories together. I brought up the time we both cheated on our girlfriends at a Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert. Little did I know his girlfriend was waiting in the back of the car to scare me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 181
You deserved it 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope she immediately got a hold of your girl and told her

I’m running out of ways to say “consequences of your own actions” on these posts.


I hope she immediately got a hold of your girl and told her

Way to gibbit away, gibbit away, gibbit away now! Looks like you're Californicated!

I’m running out of ways to say “consequences of your own actions” on these posts.