By dunicha - 17/11/2011 00:37 - United States

Today, I was reading a book in German, which I don't know very well. Suddenly I reached a passage I had no trouble understanding. Excited, I showed my husband, saying I was finally getting the hang of it. He laughed and patted my head. Turns out, that particular passage was a quote. In English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 372
You deserved it 38 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kickazz16 15

Did you recently suffer a sharp blow to the head?


athena3100 9

Ich bin ein Berliner! Lol I'm a jelly filled dounut!

keshaforever1 14

Good job! *gives nothing for stupidness*

I love it when people use fml as an excuse to brag about their own accomplishments and calling the OP stupid at the same time (hint hint 56) give her a damn break, she's learning and is expected of her to make mistakes.

TessaV 3

I'm so sorry I speak French and I guess when your brain is focused on deciphering that language it's hard to recognize English. It has happened to me only with my cousin who's French. Needless to say I was pink ^IN the face.

Dumbshit. How would you not notice it was in English?

coolsk8rdude 0

Good for you reading german! and don't worry, I mix them up all the time cause my first language is German and I live in Canada