By ugheffmylife - 09/05/2009 19:06 - United States

Today, I was playing with my phone and turned it on lock mode. I changed my lock code a few months ago, so that no one would be able to guess it. Turns out I can't guess it either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 699
You deserved it 56 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that happened to me once. i think if you go on their website and login to your account, they'll send it to you by e-mail. i think that's how i figured it out...

Well..start at "0000" then go "0001" and you will get it eventually :p


Well..start at "0000" then go "0001" and you will get it eventually :p

that happened to me. call customer service

I actually do this with every password I ever make. But as long as I can keep 40 gmails accounts for my password recovery, I will be alright.

It's hard to call customer service when your phone is locked. Of course OP could use another phone, though.

68... you're a special kind of stupid, yknow that?

morgan_5230 0

my ex did that once! just call the company and they'll help you reset it. haha. try and NOT do that again.

*try TO, not "try and". I don't know why it's so hard to understand. :P

UnitedArabEmirat 0

YDI for owning that Westernized piece of trash! I hope the Taliban murders you for what you have done!

that happened to me once. i think if you go on their website and login to your account, they'll send it to you by e-mail. i think that's how i figured it out...

ohhhhshizzz 0

#3: Really? Really?! Get a got damn life. You are such a psycho.

#3: Next time you're going to pretend to be a Middle Eastern militant, howabout you pick anything other than the most liberal Arab country. Dubai doesn't exactly scream "Taliban", more "Arab consumerism".


#3....what? Are you retarded!? BTW OP, that happened to me once a while ago and I just went to their store and they fixed it immediately, I'm sure if you take it to th place where ou bought it from it will be fixed :)

YDI for setting a code you can't remember...

jj732 0

just go to the company store (sprint store, at&t store, etc) or whatever and they'll change it for you. @3 get a life plz thanks