By wish his dad had worn one - 07/06/2014 21:16 - United States - Clinton

Today, I was playing some soccer with my buddies, when a kid came over, yelled "CUP CHECK!" and nailed me in the nuts then ran away laughing. Millions of my unborn children died in agony. All his fatass mom did was chuckle nervously and pat her satan-spawn on the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 646
You deserved it 5 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with trashy parents not disciplining their kids?

What a little asshole. Maybe a stray soccer ball will hit him between the legs...


assassin01 1

Duckie makes a point kinda had it coming if u dont got a cup. Just keepin it real ppl

I love how well this is written. Kudos to you.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You should've asked her what did five fingers say to the face?

I put you deserve it because you're the type of person who had to describe someone by their appearance instead of their behavior. (Fatass mom instead of incompetent parent) Not necessary.

No one? o.O I can't think of several instances where it would be appropriate. But you're right... in this instance, it probably wasn't "deserved", per se.

But guys sperm dies and remakes new ones every few days or something so depending in your age a lot if them are going to be unborn

If a man's testes (balls) are damaged enough, he may not be able to produce any more sperm, thus not being able to have any children. In this situation, OP should be able to sue for assault and manslaughter.