By wish his dad had worn one - 07/06/2014 21:16 - United States - Clinton

Today, I was playing some soccer with my buddies, when a kid came over, yelled "CUP CHECK!" and nailed me in the nuts then ran away laughing. Millions of my unborn children died in agony. All his fatass mom did was chuckle nervously and pat her satan-spawn on the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 646
You deserved it 5 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with trashy parents not disciplining their kids?

What a little asshole. Maybe a stray soccer ball will hit him between the legs...


parents need to teach their kids consequences for their actions

SavannahSunshine 26

A good chunk of the FMLs I see are basically complaining about crappy parenting at its finest. I want to see someone actually confront the parent! This would've been totally appropriate for that

That's assault and if you were able to move you should've punched him in the face as hard as possible :)

Yeah, because assaulting a child who isn't capable of fully comprehending their actions is totally acceptable.

That's a dirty move. Would his fat-ass mom have laughed if you did it back?

I blame the parents for not teaching the kid right from wrong. I hope you're okay, man. No guy deserves that. And no matter what you believe about cups, a blow like that could actually have injured you even more. It is a valuable thing to have, but don't depend on it so save your junk from everything. Use your own discretion.

sunnymanutd 8

Keep this FML post as proof for future to show your wife why you are unable to give her babies :P JK I hope you are fine :)

dude you should have done a "cup check" on him when you recovered

poisongirl708 11

And that is another reason why I don't want kids....

that hurts a lot... and you explained it lot better " millions of unborn child dead"