By shutupandsmile18 - 18/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was petting my cat when my new mood ring turned bright purple. I checked the piece of paper that came with the ring and saw that purple meant I was feeling "hot, sexy, and passionate." According to my ring, I'm hot for my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 049
You deserved it 16 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mood rings work by body temperature all that means the friction from rubbing your cat made the ring hotter.....tard.


skankadellified 0

not an FML, but still funny

I'm sorry, are you serious with this one? That is in no way deserving of an "FML". Please come back when something bad actually happens to you.

senosian 0

"you deserved that one" for believing in that shit.

drumsandjazz89 0

Thermotropic liquid crystals turn purple or 'horny' from heat.

karissaaa 0

thats stupid. a mood ring changes colors randomly...or in the sun or something like that. it doesnt change depending on ur mood. as long as you know u weren't hot for your cat or whatever, then you shouldn't be complaining about this.

FML_x2 0

Just proves that puss is puss dude.

meetmeinhell 0