Good boy, best boy

By Anonymous - 20/07/2020 14:01

Today, I realised that I have a better relationship with my cat than I do with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 207
You deserved it 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's the problem? Cats are better than people. Ditch your boyfriend, and buy another cat.

Maybe it's because you're really into pussy?


What's the problem? Cats are better than people. Ditch your boyfriend, and buy another cat.

Maybe it's because you're really into pussy?

bloopaloop 27

Your boyfriend also has a better relationship with your pussy than with you.

That sounds about right, relationships are hard work.

You have to ask yourself, with whom do you play with more, the cat or the boyfriend? It sounds like it's time to trade up on the boyfriend.

I’m with you there....even though my cat just today decided to attack me for the first time in her life (damn next doors cat that got her in the angry state to begin with) I have a better relationship with my cat than I do with my gf...sad lives we live eh?