By shutupandsmile18 - 18/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was petting my cat when my new mood ring turned bright purple. I checked the piece of paper that came with the ring and saw that purple meant I was feeling "hot, sexy, and passionate." According to my ring, I'm hot for my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 049
You deserved it 16 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mood rings work by body temperature all that means the friction from rubbing your cat made the ring hotter.....tard.


I bet you believe in horoscopes, religion, and soul mates too. You fail just for believing a mood ring has any influence on your life.

lolololcheese 0

petting my cat = female masturbation

000001 0

Geez, you actually believe a mood ring?

Maybe you didn't realize that particular ring is rigged to turn that colour very easily as a novelty. Seriously though, cats are warm and furry and friction creates heat. I remember wearing one of those once and holding my arm out the window of a car for a while. The wind was cold so it turned black. According to the colour chart I was dead. :-p

Please do not post anymore, save this stuff for twitter and the people that care

King_of_Kings 3

first off, DARK purple means hot, passionate, and romantic! BRIGHT purple means happy! I have a mood ring that i bought at a metaphysical shop (store that specializes in things like this) And that piece of paper you have is wrong. I'm asuming you bought your ring at a local convenience store? But anyway, BRIGHT purple means HAPPY!

mon_e_mons 0

maybe it means the cat is hot for you?

Failercoptor 0

you could have just made this "Today, i wore a mood ring. FML"

Quinnjamin 0

You know, those things react to heat. So your cat must have been temperature hot.