By anon - 04/06/2009 11:35 - United States

Today, I was performing in an orchestra concert. My stand partner and I commented on people in the audience the whole time, saying how fat they were, etc. Towards the end of the concert, I realized we were sitting right by a microphone, and the whole audience could hear us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 085
You deserved it 103 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vcjesusfreak 0

It is incredibly unprofessional to talk at all during a concert, you completely deserved that.

jncwmnd 0

let me need to say rude things about other people to feel better about your appearance..YDI


fmlreader1 0

how did u not hear each on the mic?

3rett1313 0

How would you not know that you were talking in a microphone you're a retard

coffeennicotine 0

You're an idiot and a jack ass. Oh, and extremely unprofessional. And are you sure you weren't playing trash cans or something instead of in an orchestra? Aren't classical musicians SUPPOSED to have class?

austinelement 0

Ydi for being assholes and dumbasses

jbgrace505 0

Calm down people, so they talked during a performance... Get over it...

taos_fml 0

Where's the BULLSHIT button