By anon - 04/06/2009 11:35 - United States

Today, I was performing in an orchestra concert. My stand partner and I commented on people in the audience the whole time, saying how fat they were, etc. Towards the end of the concert, I realized we were sitting right by a microphone, and the whole audience could hear us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 085
You deserved it 103 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vcjesusfreak 0

It is incredibly unprofessional to talk at all during a concert, you completely deserved that.

jncwmnd 0

let me need to say rude things about other people to feel better about your appearance..YDI


Fruitcakee 0

This is pure BS how could you not notice your voice echoing through the microphone. I call BS on this one but still if it were true YDI for talking shit

rebelinaction666 0

YDI don't talk shit about people you don't know it pisses me off more than anything in the world when people do this kind of thing. deffinetly deserved it.

That is a Fake FML! obvously you could hear yourself. Thats such bull! but if were to be real in some deaf fantasy world of the writer I would vote on YDI!

Ur sick to judge people and u deserve it pay backs a bitch

I have done the same thing except it was a band concert and not an orchestra concert. the **** could you not hear yourself???

You deserve it, but that's awesome too.