Weird excuse, but OK

By Nutty - 21/07/2019 00:04

Today, my girlfriend refused to have sex with me, because my underwear are Fruit of the Loom instead of Hanes. According to her, since all real men wear Hanes, I'm unfit to have sex with her because I wear Fruit of the Loom and am therefore not a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 770
You deserved it 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TxKitten79 10

So tell her that a real woman wouldn't be so ******* ridiculous

As a girl, I don't care what a guy wears so long as everything is CLEAN and preferably no stains or funky smells.


That’s not the real reason. She probably just boned another dude and wanted to delay you for a day or so while you got the right underwear.

I was thinking that too, it’s not the real reason. It sounds like she has some other thing that’s making her not want to be intimate, so she just picked the first thing she could think of to delay it until she can talk about the real reason.

I'm glad to hear that not only men think this way. She was up to something.

Go get a real girlfriend then, fotl are comfortable and my only option.

As a girl, I don't care what a guy wears so long as everything is CLEAN and preferably no stains or funky smells.

So should guys expect no stains or funky smells of women as well? I mean, since a women's vag cleans itself and ****/modeling isn't reality, and underwear does get stained, and genitals do smell. Lol But sure... Lets hold women to these standards as well, since its harder for them.

When I say no stains I mean no skid marks. When I say no funky smells I mean that everything has been cleaned within the past 12 hours. I think those are reasonable expectations.

When I say "clean and no funky smells", I mean no skid marks and everything has been washed in the past 12 hours. I think those are reasonable expectations.

TxKitten79 10

So tell her that a real woman wouldn't be so ******* ridiculous

EmDizzle2007 28

Time to get some Hanes.. 😂 And tell her she's crazy.

So get some Gildan. They're more comfortable anyways.

Wear your Fruit of the Loom and questioned sexuality with pride - and take both to someone who has half a brain and a full heart. Amen

tiedyedpunk 2

wow. this is crazy. 20 years ago wrote a rap song with the lyric: "...minus half a brain and minus a whole heart..."

You can have credit and copyright - I write lousy rapsongs anyway 😂

Wait til we get our Hanes’ on you!