Thanks for nothing

By Anonymous - 12/08/2010 04:00 - United States

Today, I asked my mother why she had me in the first place, as we never get along. She replied because my father wanted me. So, I called my father to ask him the same question, he said he only wanted to have me to keep my mother around, and that didn't work, so I was a waste. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 949
You deserved it 4 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's only a waste if you waste your life. So go out there and make your own life. Stop turning towards mommy and daddy for validation of your self worth!

What wonderful parents you have. You were kind of fishing for a shitty answer.


What wonderful parents you have. You were kind of fishing for a shitty answer.

super3286 14
TheyCallMeThumpe_fml 0

she was hoping for an answer that showed she was loved by SOMEONE... and your pic can **** itself!! >:'0

you_and_me_fml 8

awww :( don't worry, they love you deep down

The reasons for her birth have nothing to do with whether she's loved. A lot of people were accidents, that doesn't mean they aren't loved. This is no different from fishing for compliments, except that the answer was determined years ago, when you were still just an egg and a sperm doing their own thing. Not all of life is some fantasy. Not all parents were standing around saying "and we'll bring beautiful life into this world and love it and coddle it all day in rainbows and sunshine." Most of the time it's "hey, wanna ****?"

it's funny because your parents didn't want you

they r just kidding unless they r retarded and showing signs of blowing u away

I'm wondering why you would even ask your dad after your mom said that... my apologies op, that does suck. reminds me of that new Robert Downey jr. movie Robert: "the last time I saw my dad he was put his bags in te trunk and drove away" other actor guy: "hahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! my father would never do that! he loved me!" sorry, thought it was fitting. fyl indeed

mebecatie 0

wow OP's parents r douches lol that's ****** up lol

some people never find their purpose in life. so stop crying and be happy. ydi

MeAlec 1

wow you have wonderful and loving perants. don't ask questions to answers you don't want to know

bonicr 0

Okay OP, so your family is shit. Do your best to become successful and leave them to enjoy your life. If you bum out and start complaining like a little girl your going to be a failure and I can guarantee that your parents won't help you for much longer. Handle your stuff...

teenagers.. needs no more explanations

It's only a waste if you waste your life. So go out there and make your own life. Stop turning towards mommy and daddy for validation of your self worth!

IchiDork 4

Don't grow up to be like your parents. Rise above them.

take eminems hand. you guys can walk that road together.

dynky 3

parents have kids for stupid, selfish reasons. in other news, water is wet, sky is blue.

singer4life666 0
faxe 0

~ la lal la ~ Creeeepy singer for life.. ~la la~

twinny_sc 13

Yes, they can take an accidental fall off a cliff and hope like hell they have good life insurance. Good plan! :D

singer4life666 0

You're not creepy, you're just like me! But then again, I'm creepy.... Sorry, bro.

xFalzz 0

That sucks for sure. Remove them from your life.

don't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer to. but, fyl. that sucks. :(

just go and have a kid to validate your life, then everyone will be happy

brandonm14 0

I recently found out I was a rape baby:/

death_b4_disco 0

that's terrible, sorry to hear that. OP, prove them wrong, you go out there and do all you can! then when you have more power in the world than them, you can be like, HA F-you!

brandonm14 0

it's ok I just didn't take that well either like OP

dudeitsdanny 9

I'm sorry. But look at it this way: Your mom loved you enough to keep you despite the circumstances. You can't say it's completely bad since a lot of people conceived in the same way are given up for adoption, and a lot never even become babies.

brandonm14 0
abcdemily23 0