By Addicted2FML303 - 06/12/2010 22:50 - United States

Today, I was on the couch, about to make out with the guy I've been dating. As soon as our lips touched, my overprotective dog ran up and bit him. He bled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 762
You deserved it 5 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you are aware of the fact that your dog is over protective and reacts badly to things then why would you let it be in the room with the two of you while you are doing such stuff? I'd say next time lock him in another room, or lock yourselves in another room, either way the three of you should not all be in the same room.


Lilllly_1316 0

It's alright, just be a good girlfriend, (assuming your dating) clean him up, and have sex so that he'll forgive you. :)

I believe the OP will be getting a new bitch. If it was a bitch in the first place.

yes, enid, i hear baxter growling but the fact is you ventured into his side of the house... baring his teeth, huh. ok you ready? make a sudden move! haha

thatonedame 6

ydi if you the dog was protective of you

ghostland 0

If you knew the dog was overprotective and may bite you should have put him away. I don't let my dog around new people who come over

flickyourbic1223 7

my dog is also psycho. long haired chihuahua terrier mix. he's fine with people sitting but the moment they stand he goes into attack mode. :( I can't even put him outside because he will whimper and scratch at the door. I've even tried obedience training but no luck.

YDI for not locking the dog in a separate room while making out. You apparently knew that your pet is overprotective, you should've kept it out of your room during that time. Oh and FHL, it was your boyfriend who suffered the most in this situation.