By Anonymous - 06/12/2010 22:16 - United Kingdom

Today, my little brother found the singing Santa Claus from last year, and it still works. I'm now going to be hearing nothing but "We WISH you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!" for the next 20 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 672
You deserved it 4 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Batteries, just take the batteries out and have them mysteriously disappear (and any others in the house). Or get into the spirit of things and sing along with it. :P

My recommendation is that when he's not around take the batteries out of it and hide them. That or snip one of the connecting wires so that it just doesn't work. Even if your parent's found out and were mad it still seems like it would be better than being driven into a murderous rage by a singing Santa.


Just like the other FML with the roommate and Pandora.

Except for the fact that in this case it would be one specific Christmas song over and over again and not many Christmas songs played through out the course of the day. Plus I'd bet the quality of Pandora music is better than that of a singing Santa toy so taking that into account I would say this situation is worse. That's just my opinion though.

Op, give the puppy a "bath" (: problem solved

Yes, the details are different, but I'm talking about the whole FML in general. As soon as I read it I immediately thought of the roommate/Pandora one. Someone OP lives with finds something Christmas related that plays Christmas songs. Only several days/weeks to go. Same setup.

Replace "puppy" with "Santa." I'm go'n crazy.

Oh don't be such a Grinch. By the way, OP, I WISH you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

we wish you a merry christmas but you think sucky thiswas so let me show you myjugs hmmmph. no.

WallyTheWombat 0

My dad did the same thing with an Alvin and the chipmunks thing. That got annoying quickly.

Batteries, just take the batteries out and have them mysteriously disappear (and any others in the house). Or get into the spirit of things and sing along with it. :P

randall_doak 4

This is why Cinn is so awesome :) She comes up with the best solutions, and they're ususally ao simple the rest of us should be kicking ourselves for not thinking of them ourselves.....

I so know what you mean. I feel your pain. My niece's love our freaking Santa. I've hidden the batteries so many times. I've also 'accidently' dropped it, but it never works; it's like that thingis possessed. :|

29 - I know! I find I've done that a lot lately... thanks Cinn! In other news: BAH HUMBUG.

iSitt 0

use screw drivers to remove the battery casing then cut the blue wire.

What if they cut the red wire? will they blow up and die? If yes do that OP.

cinn you jut don't understand...Here in the USA we have better things to do then play cricket like a lil' punk

64 - There are no words. Have you ever been England?

Cricket? What does cricket have to do with anything?

79DrAwkwArD97 0

IgETbANNED, let the non-retards talk...


haha my brother found his little Christmas toy too. I've been listening to that for the past 2 weeks

thats not an fml, get into the christmas spirit!

My recommendation is that when he's not around take the batteries out of it and hide them. That or snip one of the connecting wires so that it just doesn't work. Even if your parent's found out and were mad it still seems like it would be better than being driven into a murderous rage by a singing Santa.

Yeah, and then the mom says, "It's okay hun, we will just go get a new one today." Now you'll have to hear a singing reindeer, Santa, and a snowman all at once. Back to murderous rage.

That may be true. Then again the toy could drive the parents just as crazy as it does the OP so they may just say "well that's too bad." and leave it at that. You never know until you try.

Ha, I'd be the type to buy a new one just because I knew it was irritating, and I'd find that funny. Then, I'd take it away when I had enough.

MassEffectNerd 0

in this situation a trash can is your best friend.

Water + electronics = bad. However in this case it would = good. I think you get my drift, OP ;)

magicalrubixdude 0

"lose" it till the day after christmas