By Addicted2FML303 - 06/12/2010 22:50 - United States

Today, I was on the couch, about to make out with the guy I've been dating. As soon as our lips touched, my overprotective dog ran up and bit him. He bled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 762
You deserved it 5 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you are aware of the fact that your dog is over protective and reacts badly to things then why would you let it be in the room with the two of you while you are doing such stuff? I'd say next time lock him in another room, or lock yourselves in another room, either way the three of you should not all be in the same room.


well now if someone breaks into your house and try's to kiss you, you'll be protected by your scary dog:)

YDI for having a dog and not a cat. Idiot.

Don't blame your dog. If it were properly trained in the first place, it wouldn't be so aggresive. It's your fault for not training your dog right.

jonnysniper 0

Dumbasses... Just go to his place :p

Don't let Dad train your dog. Train the dog properly.