By Are you f*cking kidding me - 12/06/2013 06:10 - United States - Denver

Today, I was on my bike. As I'm rolling through an intersection, some asshat in a pickup runs the red light and hits me. Instead of getting out and helping me, the guy hops out, takes a look at me lying in the street, steals my hat and drives off. That was my favorite hat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 818
You deserved it 4 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments


OP I am sorry the guy was an asshat and he'll get his but why weren't you wearing a helmet?

maybe you shouldn't be "rolling thru" an intersection and actually stop and. look!

He knew it was a red light showing you he did look and thought said asshat would stop for the light

Wow, if you had gotten his tag number that would've been one hell of a law suit you could've had

What in the **** has this world come to

I hope you report it to the police. That guy will go to jail for awhile.

Apparently it was also his favorite hat.

What a weird way to kick a man when he's down.

Good thing that's all you lost, OP. Hope you're okay.

Maybe he'll tweet it and get caught