By toiletgirl - 14/12/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, I was on AIM talking to a really cute guy, whom I've had a crush on for forever, when he asked me to video chat. I got so excited and immediately pressed accept, without thinking. Not until he started screaming and cursing did I realize that I was still using my laptop on the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 942
You deserved it 63 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nefariousnobo 0

Well, he seemed to have completely overreacted to that. I mean, a little surprise is understandable, but screaming and cursing was a little over-the-top. LOL, though. I moderated this one.


maigan332 14

Gross, I wouldn't want to use the computer after you!

yth would you use the laptop in the bathroom....xD

The_9th_Doctor 18

I would've kept talking to you

Why the **** would he be screaming and cursing?

fogrunner 13

Perhaps it was the moment he realized that women go poo-poo. It may have been a difficult time for him. xD

fuckle 11

Lmao that totally could have been me

AIM lmao those were the days. I love when old FML's come up on random.

prophetsam 12

This TOTALLY speaks to how completely out of touch most people are about their surroundings, in today's society! Funny, though! Lol!