By webcammistake - 17/03/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was on a webcam with my friend. We were joking around so I stood up and flashed her. Her grandma choose that second to walk past and look at the screen. Her grandma now thinks were lesbians and that I'm a whore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 099
You deserved it 75 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it is understandable she would think that considering the situation....


Tell is again why u would flash ur female friend for fun?

yourlifesucksHA 14

I had a friend who had this game with a certain group of his friends where they would always be naked when they skyped each other. Both guys and girls. There was nothing sexual about it, they just all thought it was funny. To the people who are judging the OP, you don't know her friendship or her sense of humor. It may all make perfect sense with context.

Yeah well you kinda are for doing that