By RoseTylerTheDoctor - 11/06/2017 06:00 - United States - Boise

Today, I told my crush how I feel about him. It's been over 12 hours and he still says he's thinking about it. I asked him about it ; he says he's thinking of how to reject me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 025
You deserved it 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And I hope you responded with "you just did".

don't rush to blame the crush! maybe he was genuinely thinking of the least hurtful way to reject op. if not, he's a jerk. either way fyl op, unrequited love sucks. but best you know before than during a relationship right?


Gah, I'm so sorry OP - but from the sounds of it, you dodged a bullet. No one nice would say such a thing! You deserve better than that, and I'm sure you'll find it! :)

no one nice would spend hours trying to avoid hurting your feelings?

Not to mention how OP (or anyone for that matter) should never be with someone who doesn't even know their own feelings. There is also the chance that the crush (also) has someone else in mind, hence taking the time to get back to her.

Personally I think it's better to be up front - to have the courage to tell a person you like them takes a lot, you know? And to make them wait for that long, when from the sounds of it, he already knew his's just cruel. :/

Now, this is just a hunch on my part, and I could very well be wrong. That said, I'm getting a vibe that maybe he's not that into you.

gobiteme2 34

I think you already have the answer.

And I hope you responded with "you just did".

don't rush to blame the crush! maybe he was genuinely thinking of the least hurtful way to reject op. if not, he's a jerk. either way fyl op, unrequited love sucks. but best you know before than during a relationship right?

Maybe he could send you a different email every month explaining why you're not a good fit.

The first time he said he was thinking about it should have been an indication that the feelings are not mutual. I'm sorry, OP.

AGiftForAnya 8

I totally read that as twelve years and I got really confused for a while there.

CBL88 25

If he needs to take that much time to come op with an answer, he's obviously not into you. I'm sorry if his reply wasn't what you expected, but feelings aren't always mutual, and you being needy and pushing him for an answer dosn't change that. If you didn't want to know the truth, or if you wanted a more polite answer, you could have just let him be instead of being so pushy?

RoseTylerTheDoctor 9

why did you feel the need to tell him. he is obviously not interested or he would have let you know. ydi