Is there anybody out there?

By Natalie - 11/06/2021 09:01 - United States

Today, I started my treatment for dental aligners. I talked to myself a bit to see how I sounded and it turns out that I have a small lisp. I wanted to share how I sounded with someone, then I realized I don't have anyone I can call. I have to wait 3 days until someone can hear my funny new lisp at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 821
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you film yourself and post it on YouTube? This way, thousands of people can hear your new lisp and laugh. Or post it on Facebook and make new friends.

AshWayne 10

You could call a store or a restaurant


Why don't you film yourself and post it on YouTube? This way, thousands of people can hear your new lisp and laugh. Or post it on Facebook and make new friends.

AshWayne 10

You could call a store or a restaurant