By saltynutz20 - 07/04/2009 18:12 - United States

Today, I was on a flight from Chicago to Minneapolis. A rather attractive young lady sitting next to me fell asleep at the beginning of the flight. About 40 minutes into the flight I noticed my fly was open. The lady woke to me with my hands in my crotch struggling to zip up my fly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 719
You deserved it 8 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gfindians11 0

Hey its ok to ********** on a plane. never let that opportunity pass you by.


gfindians11 0

sometimes they get stuck if its a crappy pair of pants

Aera_fml 0

At least she didn't accidentally fall into your lap while asleep, right?

Hope that sparked an interesting conversation! and big enough to cause a struggle? ;)

Hey its ok to ********** on a plane. never let that opportunity pass you by.

What #2 said. That's pretty funny though. I bet she looked at you like "wtf".

herpEs_fml 0

at least it wasn't you waking up to her zipping up your fly.

ck12 0

The fact that you call her a lady makes me question her attractiveness

You should have said, don't worry there's nothing there.