By Fsd - 05/11/2008 07:35 - France

Today, I'm on holiday, but my alarm clock isn't. It rang at 6 o'clock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 355
You deserved it 47 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I actually sometimes do that deliberately, I love being able to turn my alarm clock off and just go back to sleep, it's the best feeling ever!

Today, I wanted to wake up my favorite master in the world by alarming at 6 o' clock this morning. He hit me and I shut up. FML


Lotus_Eater 0

Sucks, bro. Happened to me last vacation, lol.

member0987654321 0

pshh happens to me like everyday, but my alarm clock is my fourteen year old sister.

I actually sometimes do that deliberately, I love being able to turn my alarm clock off and just go back to sleep, it's the best feeling ever!

i know, i love waking up like at 2 and realizing i have a lot more time left to sleep :D

so turn it off ? ... but it happens sumtimes to me 2.

Today, I wanted to wake up my favorite master in the world by alarming at 6 o' clock this morning. He hit me and I shut up. FML

ilybaby1616 0

so turn it off....?? not really the end of the world there

xMooMoox 0

Wow FYL you got woken up because YOU forgot to turn your alarm off. Gee its not your fault.

I wake up at 9:30AM on weekends, 5:30AM for school days. You really should have shut your alarm off if you intended to sleep in.

Did you know you have the power to turn off alarms?