By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 20:43 - Isle of Man

Today, I was lying on the sofa when the phone rang. I jumped up to answer in time. I knocked over my laptop, and kicked my guitar into a glass causing it to smash. It was a wrong number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 621
You deserved it 11 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments


On the bright side, seems from the story that the only thing damaged was a glass, and your comp and guitar are okay

ppriscilla 0

Haha i broke my laptops screen answering a call once. I feel yaa

wow... uh, buy an answering machine?? specially if phone calls are *that* critical for you..

just accidently smashed my pipe, I feel ur pain

littlesunshine_fml 9

i feel sorry for your guitar...

Use caller ID, or re-dial, or that process that involves calling the operator if you miss the call. Few people expect you to answer at home at all times anymore. (What if you were in the shower or outside?) Unless you were expecting a call back from a job application, if it was important they or you could call back. Also if possible, it's a good idea to keep a receiver where you spend most of your time. (If you can afford a house too big to get to the phone in time, you can afford another $10 handset.)

Strangely just like #1485222. It could happen, surely, but I have to wonder why given today's technology? I mean, I get to the phone or I don't. Probably needing some stress relief? Grin.