By Momlovesme - 08/08/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, I was listening to music while my grandma and mom were in the same room. I only had one headphone in. My mom, thinking I had both in, started telling my grandma how much of a "little bitch" I am. My grandma went on to say, "She's also a slut." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 247
You deserved it 17 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puplover752 2

what kind of mom would do that. that is horrible. i feel realy bad for u. sorry :(

codyxfail 0

Seriously, your relatives are shit. Or you're a bitchy ****. [:


Your relatives wouldn't have said that if it didn't have an element of truth in it. So I think you deserve it.

babyzombie 0

maybe they said it as a joke cos they knew you were listening

piles_of_fail 0

wow, that sucks, fyl for having inconsiderate ***** for female relatives.

Good job for getting your mom and grandma to hate you.. :) But at least now you know where you got it from... haha

Inked2009 0

Wow so many damn idiots on here! Her mother,and grandmother are the bitches in this case,I highly doubt she is any of those things. I've had my family start to talk to me when I put my ipod ear buds in during a car drive. Family is not always loving nor do they always have an element in truth behind their insults.

Theguybehindyou 0

FYL but i've heard this fml before...

justmyluck1212 0

You're obviously a tart-tongued trick. Try showing a lil more respect to Mums