By Screwed - 07/08/2009 23:35 - Canada

Today, I decided to surprise my husband by bringing home a case of beer and renting us a porno. He decided to surprise me by telling me he was leaving me for his pregnant girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 211
You deserved it 4 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God damn, that is just grade A bullshit right there. Well, at least you aren't the other woman. Just think; everyone knows she's a **** now, getting preggers from someone's HUSBAND. You on the other hand have one less asshole in your life.

When you divorce him, squeeze every penny out of the bastard!


chrisgllgs 0
justdancebbyx3 7

Today, I decided to surprise my husband by bringing home a case of beer and renting us a porno Wow you sound like two classy danes.

BaGu_fml 0

2 classy Danes? Is that what USA thinks of Denmark? :o

Hahaah. what makes you think that's how danes are? annywayyy. we wont be able to live up to your expectations, sorry. ..funny though.

DuhthatsObvious 0

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boatkicker 4

"By allowing him to watch **** with you, you've given him permission to admire other women." Better to give him permission than get mad at him for it. He's going to look at other women whether he's 'allowed' to or not. It's what guys do. Hell, it's what women do, too. Admiring other women is a hell of a lot different than having sex with other women. I have no problem with it if my fiance points to some girl and says "she's hot." He's right, nine times out of ten, and I would LOVE to look like some of the girls he points to. I'm pretty but I know I'm not georgeous. There are girls out there better looking than I am, and I'm not going to try to deny thier existance. In return I'm alllowed to check out, and comment on, other guys. As long as it doesnt move beyond that, theres no problem. Besides that, a lot of couples, a lot of RESPECTABLE couples, watch **** together. Think of it this way: would you rather have him watch **** secretly while you're not around, or be there with him, so that you can take a least a little credit when he gets turned on?

@75 - How does bring home a porno make her trashy? I guess you just have a really boring sex life and don't like spicing it up?

fckinbowdown 0

that's so shitty. I don't know why he would leave you, you sound like the best girlfriend ever. I'm so sorry he's such a prick. I bet his kid will have down syndrome or sonething. karma's a bitch.

When you divorce him, squeeze every penny out of the bastard!

We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions.

There is nothing wrong with couple exploring their sexuality with each other.

Seriously, is this what feminism has done to women nowadays? The OP's husband is obviously a douchebag, but when I think divorce I think "a way out of a marriage; a relationship that's clearly not going in the right direction" not "Woo hoo! Jackpot! I get half her shit and maybe then some!" Honestly, **** you poster #2. You're what's wrong with modern women and are a clear addition to my cynicism about society.

If I were to be hurt that terribly, to where my husband has cheated on me with some other woman AND gotten her pregnant, then yes, I would want some heavy compensation for taking care of a cheating asshole for so long.

And you assume SHE was taking care of HIM??

Have to agree with 92+109 It is kind of ironic that a partner can have half of their wealth taken away through divorce even if they were the only ones who worked for it.

#2 you disgust me I hope no one is unfortunate enough to marry you.

Probably doesn't have anything left, has a new baby coming up ;)

God damn, that is just grade A bullshit right there. Well, at least you aren't the other woman. Just think; everyone knows she's a **** now, getting preggers from someone's HUSBAND. You on the other hand have one less asshole in your life.

staterunner180 0

Those who cheated once will cheat again. If he cheated on his wife and got that girl pregnant then it's almost certain that he will cheat on her. A cheater is a cheater, no matter what.

SomeRussianGirl 3

Not True, I cheated on my (now ex) bf with my current one. We been together 3 years I have never cheated.

... You're 15 years old, you cheated when you were 12?!

_electricbonbon 0

You guys sound like some classy ass bitches.

Really? I thought she sounded like an open minded fun lady who will probably never turn into a boring prudish wife with a mouth as puckered as her arsehole. OP, I'd marry you! That dickwad of an ex husband doesn't know what he's just lost.

foolforcaring 0

he'll come running back once he realizes his wife was down to earth and willing to have a good time. When the pregnant girlfriend starts becoming catty and demanding him to be near her 24-7 and blowing up his phone wondering where he went even if he only left her side for one second to go take a dump.

smash the end of the bottom and slash his throat!

M13LO 0

he pulled an Usher on you hahaha but you should have told him you were pregnate to.... with twins


tell him you're pregnant too so he gets mad freaked out

you beat me to it lol. not romantic at all