By Momlovesme - 08/08/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, I was listening to music while my grandma and mom were in the same room. I only had one headphone in. My mom, thinking I had both in, started telling my grandma how much of a "little bitch" I am. My grandma went on to say, "She's also a slut." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 247
You deserved it 17 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puplover752 2

what kind of mom would do that. that is horrible. i feel realy bad for u. sorry :(

codyxfail 0

Seriously, your relatives are shit. Or you're a bitchy ****. [:


xxdani 0

They are idiots, because even if you HAD both headphones in, if the music wasn't turned up loudly there was still a chance you'd hear them

yes but there old people... they wouldnt know that

thats harash, but parents wouldnt usualy lie lol. maby stop being a **** :D

Yeah, you're right, man. Parents don't lie, ever. Good call, you ignorant **** nugget.

triplethreat13 0

sounds like something my mom would say if she thought i couldn't hear. except my grandmother does not know what a **** is. so my dad would say the **** part. but still, FYL

maybe you shouldn't have been such a bitch or a ****. there's a reason people say these things. also, only one headphone is gay. really gay. it also means you have bad taste in music, because many of the greatest bands use stereo such as having vocals on one side and the instruments on the other.

Run away from home and go sleep with the first guy you see

i don't know if you did anything to make them think of you like that. but still. FYL . sounds like grandma has beginning alzheimer's syndrome. They start with lack of judgement, personality changes and other stuff: That is not something a grandma usually says about a grandchild... And, if she is the type that does...well, what was she doing during the 60's???

Bullshet 0

FYL but maybe you should take a hint and look in the mirror.

YDI for listening to your stupid ipod instead of spending time with your family