By JillianJuneBug - 04/02/2017 00:00 - United States - Elmira

Today, I was listening to music on my phone. I activated Siri by mistake, which stopped the music. I told Siri to, "turn the damn music back on." She replied, "Now calling Afton." Afton is my ex. While trying to quickly end the call, my phone froze and the buttons stopped working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 295
You deserved it 1 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, that Siri has a wicked way of getting even when you curse at her!

xbaconator9000x 16

Coincidentally, I tried to click the "Your life sucks button" but my phone froze for a split second and I clicked the "You deserved it" button by accident. So.... I feel your pain...?


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Well calling from Siri with the new OS actually doesn't bring up the "end call" button to begin with, instead leaving your phone on lock screen. So one extra step you already have to take when she dials the wrong number for you anyway. Much higher chances on this iOS.

xbaconator9000x 16

Coincidentally, I tried to click the "Your life sucks button" but my phone froze for a split second and I clicked the "You deserved it" button by accident. So.... I feel your pain...?

Oh, that Siri has a wicked way of getting even when you curse at her!

seenoevil818 13

Deleting your ex's number could have prevented that OP

It very clearly shows in yhe fml that they don't want to talk to their ex, so that excuse is invalid

jab7769 8

maybe they have kids and he couldn't because of custody or parental responsibility

RainStorm6632 10

it doesn't say a gender in the fml, the she is referring to siri

That's what you get for dating someone named Afton.

snoopyace 0

Lol I was scrolling looking for this comment XD

cootiequeen4444 11

I was just thinking "what the hell kinda name is Afton!?" when I saw your comment. Glad to know I'm not the only judgmental ass, haha!

Rawrshi 25

Were you listening to Adele by any chance?

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Complete fail on you why did you still have his number svaed

EnvyMe33 26

Thou shalt not talk to your master that way or you will get punished... looks like Siri is your master and you got punished...