By fuckedbyahipster - 15/06/2013 16:13 - Finland

Today, I was lectured by a self-professed vegan over my "barbaric" eating habits, in between her scarfing down a tuna fish sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 722
You deserved it 2 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theninja1800 11

Out of all the types of annoying douchebags in the world, hypocrites are the worst.

Please show her a book to read. It seems that knowledge from reading is become a hipster thing.


23Z9TZO 18

I'm pretty sure mass producing and force feeding animals is putting out more methane getting rid of more plants than if we just let them be..

As saintly as vegans seem to act, most of them are pretty damn stupid

are you sure they werent a pescatarian? but if they were saying you're barbaric eating tuna is kinda the same depending on how you look at it

knotcool 15

And if you try to call her out, she seems to be the type to say "fish and chicken aren't meat!"

Please tell me you called her out on that.

RedPillSucks 31

And bacon. Everything is better with bacon

I wanna know how many of these Vegans/Vegetarians kill houseflies, spiders, roaches, mice, etc. Do you guys believe in pest and/or vermin control? Can you be pro choice and a vegan/vegetarian? Seems like some flawed thinking, but hey, do you!

Sonfang 19

I can't speak for everyone but, yes I kill flies and bugs, I do my best to try to shoo them out first but...sometimes I'm just tired of watching the cats try to eat them. Killing mice and such I'm not comfortable doing it myself, just don't like taking life, but I understand the necessity of it so if it is necessary then yes sacrifices must be made. Pro-choice, if you're referring to abortion, then not unless it is a high medical risk (for mother or child) or a PROVEN rape case, if you're out doing the deed and it's an accident you should be held accountable. But like I said I cannot speak for everyone, I only speak my opinions.

MiloBear 11

I am in no way vegetarian/vegan but even I don't kill pests, except flies. We catch animals and release them at the bottom of the garden. The only exception (besides flies) is dangerous animals who could harm our family or our pets. We've had a few black mambas and cobras come into the house and my dad chopped their heads off to protect us.