By fuckedbyahipster - 15/06/2013 16:13 - Finland

Today, I was lectured by a self-professed vegan over my "barbaric" eating habits, in between her scarfing down a tuna fish sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 722
You deserved it 2 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theninja1800 11

Out of all the types of annoying douchebags in the world, hypocrites are the worst.

Please show her a book to read. It seems that knowledge from reading is become a hipster thing.


Oh man, #10, that comment gave me a really good chuckle. Thanks for that! :-)

I hate hypocrites, if someone claims to be vegan, that should be no animal products and no meat of any kind. Same with vegetarians again, no meat for you. Fish is still meat, it is the flesh from a once-living animal that died so you could eat it. ''Pescatarian'' is something the hypocritical vegans invented so they didn't appear hypocrites. ''I'm a vegan but fish is so damn tasty, I can't give that up. Oh well, I'll invent a new name for it.'' Self-righteous hippies.

kidsgotastinky 11

Guys calm down its organic tuna

ginawater19 13

Fish is not vegan. So before everyone freaks out about animal cruelty this person is a liar.

Helldemon 32

Fish is still meat, they are just hypocrites.

Don't wanna sound like a dick here but that person is a pescatarian which means they don't eat any meat but still eat fish.

Helldemon 32

Fish is still meat, they are just hypocrites.

Actually, it's the mass breeding and keeping of animals for food that causes such large quantities of methane to even exist.

Carnivores need to be beaten with a carrot for trying to sway us into eating meat. ("But bacon! BACON!!!!")

YourDrunkle 4

Animals raised for food actually use about 10 times as much food from plants compared to a human eating just plants.

I don't know what you were eating but tuna is on the brink of being endangered so she was eating onebof the worst things she could eat. One of the only things worse would be panda salami or something.

I'd rather have beluga bacon, thank you very much

Thank you 57! Shame you got thumbed down so bad...a lot of (not all) people on here like to vegan/veggie bash without listening to the facts. Of course raising animals for mass food production causes more methane. A lot of veggies actually don't eat meat for that reason rather than just cruelty or whatever. And no, I'm not saying people can't eat meat - eat whatever you want - but don't ignore the facts.