By left out wet - 22/06/2019 22:08

Today, I was laying in bed completely naked, uncovered and waiting for my husband to walk in. He laid down in bed and starting playing with his phone instead of. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 721
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nudity alone isn't really all that. Did you think to maybe ask him for sex? Or interact with him at all?

Were you laying there like a corpse? Very unsexy — unless he’s a necrophiliac.


Nudity alone isn't really all that. Did you think to maybe ask him for sex? Or interact with him at all?

Were you laying there like a corpse? Very unsexy — unless he’s a necrophiliac.

Well then ya should have started playing with his banana phone 😁

OP, too bad you didn't get his attention by "playing with yourself" (+ moaning).... :-(

When I was in my early 20s I could be ready for sex at the drop of a hat. However I’m noticing that as I age (I’m 30 now), I’m often not really in the mood for it if my wife just comes up to me wanting sex. As I’m getting older I’m discovering that men need foreplay too to be really in the mood for it. I’ve also seen my wife nude so many times, as we’ve been married for a few years now, that just seeing her nude doesn’t do much for me anymore, she’s got to do a little something extra for it to really work for me sexually. Don’t feel discouraged OP, just change your tactics a little and make sure to objectively talk to your husband about his sexual needs and desires as well as yours, make sure you are all on the same page about this.

TxKitten79 10

Excellent advice, sir. communication is so important in every aspect of a successful relation, including sex.

TxKitten79 10

I agree with the person that said "Nudity alone isn't always enough." My husband and I are often naked if the kids aren't home, and we sleep naked. So yeah, just being naked isn't always enough to let Him know I'm in the mood for some sexual attention. In your situation I would have snuggled close and started touching and kissing, or giving a *******. Or said, "I love your c**k, I need you to f**k me!" Guys don't always get subtle hints, and they aren't mind readers. You gotta be direct.

i feel your pain. Guys are so obtuse. You've got to be completely obvious. Next time he does that, roll him on his back, take off his pants, and ride him. He MIGHT get the idea then.

Or, ya know, ask him. Because what you just described is rape.

As my lover says, "You can't rape the willing!"