By Buggga - 22/08/2009 09:07 - Australia

Today, I was instructed to shave my back in preperation for my first tattoo. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 076
You deserved it 12 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everyone one has hair on their back. hair has to be removed for a tattoo. you're not special

That is standard procedure when you get a tattoo. Calm the **** down. It's not the end of the world.


Pink Elephant 88, I have seven tattoos and I say it needs to be shaved.

HeyThereGorgeous 0

Most people have peach fuzz there . . .

A huge FYL to the people who are saying this girl is hairy etc. etc. I am a tattoo artist and everyone who comes in to get a tattoo usually must shave the area. You're entire body, every square centimeter is covered in various lengths and thicknesses of hair, except the bottom of your feet and palms. Some people have very sparse hair due to their genetics and it is not necessary to shave, but all people are asked because a tattoo's quality can be compromised. Because many women shave or wax their arms and legs shaving is usually not necessary there but on you back, ribs etc. it is preferred that you do. Fresh waxing can also compromise the tattoos' quality because it stresses the skin and because it is a myth that shaving can increase the darkness or thickness of a hair (shaving does not reach the follicle, look it up) it is asked that patrons do so. If you got a tattoo and were not asked it was either because you had very little hair, are already shaved/waxed, or that artist simply did not care, which many don't. I suggest you do your research and shave before you get a tattoo.

freezeframefame 0

I have 2 tattoos on my back and I am also a female, I've had the shave me back both times, not because I'm "harry" but for the exact same reasons this person just mentioned

everyone gets shaved. its procedure. it matters not how hairy or not hairy you are

yeah hes right ive also heard of cases where even fine peach fuzz when getting a tattoo can cause it to get infected or ingrown from being pushed into the skin and have the tattoo heal over.

mo_the_owl 0

YDI if you were getting a tramp stamp.

Not an FML. As others pointed out, this is the standard. They'll shave men and women anywhere for any tattoo, regardless of location. I suppose YDI for getting a tattoo without doing the basic research on procedure and how things work.

dreamofme 0

Ohhh shut up and quit whining. That's what HAPPENS when you get a tattoo. Everyone has to have a cleanly shaven canvas for the tattoo artist to work on. You fail for being such a baby about it.

Everyone has to be shaved. When I got my tattoo on the inside of my wrist - you know, the completely hairless part - I had to be shaved for that. It's just procedure. If you didn't get shaved before your tattoo, your tattooist sucks.