By Buggga - 22/08/2009 09:07 - Australia

Today, I was instructed to shave my back in preperation for my first tattoo. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 076
You deserved it 12 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everyone one has hair on their back. hair has to be removed for a tattoo. you're not special

That is standard procedure when you get a tattoo. Calm the **** down. It's not the end of the world.


I do tattoos it's pretty common to shave areas before getting a tattoo. more so on guys though. however even on a guy it's rare that would need to happen the hair is so fine there it isn't an issue. most tattooists won't see it as a problem I'd ask them what qualifications they have

it dosnt matter they shave all areas. I'm a chic and had my rib cage shaved.

Alex_7759 13

Everyone has hair on their back dude. it doesn't matter where you're getting the tattoo, you're going to have to shave.