By I said whaat - 18/12/2012 16:50

Today, I was in the mall for the second day in a row with my 7-year-old brother. As we walked past Santa he asked me, "Why does Santa look different today"? Not thinking, I said, "Because each mall has a different Santa." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 166
You deserved it 36 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one who wonders what happened next?

This is a great time when the old, "The mall Santas are just Santa's helpers" would come in!


I bet all the kids were like "You sit on a throne of lies"

Just another example of a guy acting before thinking lol

Oh dear, I genuinely thought this was an FML. Why does he/she deserve it? = u = );;

I was seven when I figured it out on my own. I saw one of my sister's presents in my parents bedroom and knew right away.

7 is an acceptable age to have the santa talk.

icychil 13

YDI for not explaining kids the difference between reality and fairy tales. Anyhow, if you wanted to play that strange game then the right moment to "get out of it" is when children start to doubt. The question was clearly indicating that your child had reasonable doubt. So, YDI for thinking that you children will never grow up.

A not OP's child it's their brother B it's not for anyone but the parents to decide (together) when the child is the right age to tell not you

He's 7, the magic should be over by then!

Never understood the need to lie to kids about Santa. It doesn't ruin their childhood if they know he's no real. My parents always told me that, so I never believed in him. I also had an awesome childhood and never had to suffer through finding out the truth like my friends did. Life is better that way.