By yen - 07/10/2018 22:00

Today, I was talking to my sister about how I need to buy gifts from Santa for my daughter, when my son asked why I would be buying them instead of letting Santa bring them. My son genuinely still believed in Santa. He’s 22 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 905
You deserved it 1 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*waits for the inevitable "There's nothing wrong with your son believing in Santa. He can believe in anything he wants. And he can be a brony, too!" rants*

You know, parents play a big role in the children’s development. You must have kept your son in quite a tight bubble. Does he have friends? Does he know how to tie his own shoelaces?


*waits for the inevitable "There's nothing wrong with your son believing in Santa. He can believe in anything he wants. And he can be a brony, too!" rants*

You’re talking Christmas in the first week in October? You all deserve each other!

whiskey'swino 15

Ah, the greatest Christmas gift to a 20-something. Reality.

Whaaaaatt !?? Santa is not real?!? Oh my!!!

You know, parents play a big role in the children’s development. You must have kept your son in quite a tight bubble. Does he have friends? Does he know how to tie his own shoelaces?

wtfdaemon 3

Holy ******* shit your son is an unabated idiot. Shit, even retarded kids have that shit figured out by 18. Doesn't speak well for your parenting skills in teaching him critical thinking and basic reasoning.

Unless your son has a very serious developmental disability, YDI for not having told your son the facts of life a very long time ago.

You think that is crazy? Thousands of people believe there is an invisible man who watches them all the time and they attempt to communicate with him telepathically.

Shhh! Don't criticize religion! Those ******* are everywhere, and will preach their bullshit without warning.