By dontworrybehappy - 28/08/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, I was in the car going to a concert with my family. I was listening to my iPod, when the wheel broke and I couldn't change the song. So for the rest of the trip, I was stuck either listening to my parents arguing, or Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin on repeat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 977
You deserved it 6 149

Same thing different taste


destineydeon 0

54 I know who sings the song "don't worry, be happy." I was referring to another comment where someone asked if the singer was Bobby marlin. you ******* dumbass.

mmctex3 0

it's your fault for paying for that song in the first place:/

boatkicker 4

He couldn't change the song because the iPod broke.

It does make sense, as all the functions that allow you to play, change and stop songs are all found on the 'wheel' of the ipod. Unless of course you thought the OP meant steering wheel.

why does your iPod still have a wheel?

hopefully you weren't on your way to a Bobby ferrin concert