By someone something - 09/10/2018 14:00

Today, I was finally able to come home after 4 months in a hospital recovering from brain surgery and physical therapy. While taking a walk around the neighborhood, my new neighbor's Rottweiler ran after me. I tripped while running, got bit, and went back to the hospital for stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 499
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your neighbor did something nice for you when you returned home again.

I replied below too; I'm pretty sure you and I are going to get hate. Yes, there are dogs that are more aggressive, but even a rottweiler can be trained properly. It just takes longer and more time. As I posted before, a dogs life is not worth more than a human. I'm talking Neutral=Neutral here. Don't bring up attacks/robberies; that isn't the subject. The Dog OP spoke of should be put down. Any unprovoked biting is extremely dangerous. The dog should have been kept inside if that is their attitude. Trained more, gotten used to the area FIRST (as they are new neighbours?) I LOVE DOGS. I LOVE ANIMALS. But do NOT make excuses for them!


I hope your neighbor did something nice for you when you returned home again.

I hope you sue the owner for a lot of money. Rottweiler owners need to be reminded what a dangerous weapon they have and are just revealing their inner cowardice by possessing such aggressive, vicious creatures. Needless to say, that attacking dog must be put down.

I replied below too; I'm pretty sure you and I are going to get hate. Yes, there are dogs that are more aggressive, but even a rottweiler can be trained properly. It just takes longer and more time. As I posted before, a dogs life is not worth more than a human. I'm talking Neutral=Neutral here. Don't bring up attacks/robberies; that isn't the subject. The Dog OP spoke of should be put down. Any unprovoked biting is extremely dangerous. The dog should have been kept inside if that is their attitude. Trained more, gotten used to the area FIRST (as they are new neighbours?) I LOVE DOGS. I LOVE ANIMALS. But do NOT make excuses for them!

You are wrong, a human life is worth more than any other animal on the planet. You are an idiot.

I'm not making any excuses for what the dog did, never run from a dog, unless you are sure to get away. Many dogs think that that's a game, and will chase just because it's fun. My dog will run you down pin you to the ground and clean you for the next 30 minutes. But she's just a sloppy Saint Bernard that has overgrown mothering instincts.

Everything you just said is an excuse for the dog. A human being should never have to fear their front yard from a neighbours home-owned dog. I should not have to decide whether or not I can outrun it, depending on the dog. I shouldn't have to block a Dog from jumping up on me. If a dog comes after me or my children while i'm at the sidewalk in-front of my home, I will report the incident so it's on file. If a dog charges me and bites me/my child, I will make sure the animal is put down. I love my pets, I love my neighbors pets, but me and my family should NEVER have to feel threatened by a dog. If an owner can't accept they didn't train it properly, they don't deserve to have one. Your Lovely Saint Bernard should not be pinning people down. If I was too weak and I couldn't get away; If it pinned down a child? No. You aren't always going to see something the second it happens. A lot of people think their dogs are perfect little angels. A dogs life is not worth more than a humans.

I know a dog that has severe anxiety, and it got out and bit a girl (though not much harder than a love nip), and her mom scratched the girl hard enough to break skin just so she could sue the owners. So it’s not always the dog’s or owner’s fault. Sometimes it’s just crazy people who are sue happy.

That kind of thing can be looked into, and it sucks if people get away from it. But that's an incident that doesn't happen frequently and it isn't what happened in OP's case. If my dog "love-nipped" someone after escaping the home, I'd expect the family to sue and/or my dog to be put down. I love my dog. But it's my fault if she gets out. It's my fault she wasn't trained to avoid others without my approval. Its our responsibility as owners. What if that nip you spoke of turned into a mauling? You can't predict even the most perfectly trained dog. Shit takes a turn for the worse all the time, and these fake injury suing stories are the ones that get heard the most, because the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

coachwithmark 5

Alert animal control. Contact the police. Also you can and should press charges/sue the owner. I'm rarely for lawsuits, but when it involves negligent people who put the lives of their neighbors in danger i am all for it. Had it been a toddler who got attacked by the dog, it could've been fatal. Even you for that matter, if it bit your neck it could've been over.

On the bright side you didn't fall and hit your head.

yeah, sounds like you won the lottery there, lawyer up and your set for retirement

tounces7 27

Neighbor will just claim the dog isn't theirs. Seen it a lot. They're obviously not responsible owners so they're hardly going to take responsibility.

Neighbors can claim, but the best part is that they owned a dog! Do you know how HARD it is to hide dog hair/fur once they've lived in your home? When I lived in Ontario, they just brought the local police dog to smell for the 'un-owned' dog. Shit in the backyard, fur, dog items; not everyone thinks to clean. And if the attack required hospitalization, suing brings on courts to get warrants. I mean, I suppose you could deny, but you'd be freaking hard pressed to hide that!

tounces7 27

And this is why aggression isn't as important as capability when it comes to dog breeds. If an angry Chihuahua was chasing you, you could have just punted it over the nearest house. Breeds like Rottweilers are not inherently bad, but I have certainly noticed a significant number of the people who feel the need to own them are not responsible pet owners at all.

If the dog gave chase and bit you hard enough to need stitches, report it (maybe sue the neighbour) Either the neighbours' aren't good owners, or the dog might need to be confiscated and/or put down before it does worse than a bite

That dog needs to be put down. It's sad, but once they start attacking people it's just a matter of time until someone is seriously hurt, or even killed.