By Señor Guapo - 04/03/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was in spanish class, having a debate about the death penalty. When I went to make a point, I meant to say "La pena de muerte", which means "The death penalty". I said, "La pene de muerte". Turns out that means, "The penis of death". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 720
You deserved it 45 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is hilarious and awesome! I wish I could have been there! Once, in Japanese, a classmate was trying to describe an elephant as 'big.' He ended up saying there was big rape. This sort of thing also reminds me of German with night vs. naked, lol.


I've done many things like that in spanish, like i said grabass for conjegating grabar(grabas) and i also looked directely at my teacher and said pussy for puse

ozzyboy 0

LOL that's solo. Funny the penis of death

Omg !!!!, quisiera poder escuchar eso en una clase, HAHAHAHAAH!!! Good one :P

nora3852 0

study ur spanish more, mijo

lol 103 bone up your spanish! and the 8=====D of death

this guy in my Spanish class once said ***** insted of what he was trying to say. it was so funny