By Señor Guapo - 04/03/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was in spanish class, having a debate about the death penalty. When I went to make a point, I meant to say "La pena de muerte", which means "The death penalty". I said, "La pene de muerte". Turns out that means, "The penis of death". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 721
You deserved it 45 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is hilarious and awesome! I wish I could have been there! Once, in Japanese, a classmate was trying to describe an elephant as 'big.' He ended up saying there was big rape. This sort of thing also reminds me of German with night vs. naked, lol.


Ever heard the song "Dicks of Death" by Vio-lence?

Guess who has a new favorite phrase? ME! Guess who just screamed it off there roof? ME (AGAIN)! I apologize for my over enthusiasm but that went beyond making my day!

I woke up with my step-mom masturbating in my bed. With me still in it.

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lol OMG! it's a bird no it's not it's "LA PENE De MUERTE" he's robbing the bank he's knocking people out with his balls

vaginabloood 5

That sounds like something I would do on purpose.

Not many FML's legit make me do more than smirk, but this one makes me laugh everytime it comes up on random. XD