By pictureperfect678 - 19/01/2010 02:06 - United States

Today, I was in one of two hot tubs with my dad at a vacation resort, when 3 good looking guys walked into the pool area. My dad moved to the other hot tub so the guys could hang out in the one I was in. They came outside, passed my hot tub, and went into the one my dad just moved into. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 119
You deserved it 4 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what concerns me more is why was your dad 'pimping' you by moving away? even If the guys went in your hot tub and started chatting you up in front of your dad tat'd be hell awkward! no?

sweetpea129 0

sooo, were they all gay, or are you just really ugly?


sweetpea129 0

sooo, were they all gay, or are you just really ugly?

Poke_my_mon 0

Blasphemy! NO guy doesn't constantly think about getting laid! Why, I'm thinking of getting laid right now.

What were you expecting out of this though? A big foursome/gangbang?

oh no you life is f-ed because 3 guys weren't attracted to you. a real fml

If there was a young girl in one and an older man in the other... I would join the man as it would be awkward with the girl.

ur dad wants u to get laid? or did he want some alone "boytime"?

Your dad is awesome! My dad would probably move to the one I was in :O

Maybe they thought that if they sat near you your dad would come and make a scene...? That's what I would worry about. Maybe they thought the hottubs were gender divided...?

if the guys thought she was cute they might not go into the hot tub with her. some people are good at hitting on girls. they might have went into the other hot tub to admire her

what concerns me more is why was your dad 'pimping' you by moving away? even If the guys went in your hot tub and started chatting you up in front of your dad tat'd be hell awkward! no?

MrHighlight 0

Was thinking the same thing...

Whatever i thought it was decent of him, she obviously seemed interested in them. Tbh the dad seemed more aware than anything. It not like she was gonna have an orgy in front of him.

Oh and almost forgot. *shifty eyes* Did you.... Did you do them?

i agree. i also think that her dads a pretty awesome dad for moving like that.

You deserve it, for not being attractive enough.

She cant control her looks and looks dont matter

Looks matter to people that find looks important.

Poke_my_mon 0

Obviously looks matter, and anyone who says they don't is either kidding themselves or doesn't know how harsh the word really is. Attraction is the first thing that draws someone to someone else. No one is going to go up to an ugly person and chat them up with hopes of starting a relationship.

Looks are important. No matter how much this may rile you, its a fact of life. People aren't shallow for finding attractive people attractive, they're human.

YouCantBreakMe 9

you can control your looks... ever heard of plastic surgery?

They were prob just trying to be respectful of your dad... no big deal.

KlaysonRoque 0

I reckon they thought the hot tubs were separated by gender and didn't want to go into the girls' one.

anela_fml 0

not sure what I'd do but yea your dad probably gave wrong impression by moving away from you lol ummm but what's the significance in telling they are good looking lol

Because if they were ugly she wouldn't care.

P.S. I would never have gotten onto a different tub 2 make my daughter more accessable to a group of random guys... FYL for having a dad who doesn't care enough to be over-protective of his daughter.

maybe they wanted to have guy talk like about sex with there girlfriends and stuff it would be awkword to speak like that infront of a girl considering that the conversation can be rather embaresing or descriptive

It could've been worse. Maybe they all have girlfriends, or maybe they don't find you attractive... or maybe they would have gotten in the hot tub and it'd of been so awkward that you'd have come to FML to write about it.