Let it go

By kko - 16/02/2022 16:00

Today, my boyfriend still randomly brings up his ex. He told me what kind of dog his ex's grandma has. What the actual fuck? Whenever we’re out in public, he somehow slips her name into the conversation. He's told me he hates her, but mentioned her name at least 3 or 4 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mado_01_03 9

I mean..... don't wanna interfere in your relationship but shouldn't you break up with him? Don't waste your life on someone who doesn't appreciate and worship you. Better be alone than to be with ungrateful son of a bitch. Talk to him, bring the conversation up deliver your opinion and if he won't get over ex's topic, then you definitely should cut this relationship off. Yolo sis, Life is too short to be thrown away

Have you learned nothing over the past five years? The more hateful something is, the more it gets talked about. In a world where attention is the currency, hateful ***** are the oligarchs!


Mado_01_03 9

I mean..... don't wanna interfere in your relationship but shouldn't you break up with him? Don't waste your life on someone who doesn't appreciate and worship you. Better be alone than to be with ungrateful son of a bitch. Talk to him, bring the conversation up deliver your opinion and if he won't get over ex's topic, then you definitely should cut this relationship off. Yolo sis, Life is too short to be thrown away

Have you learned nothing over the past five years? The more hateful something is, the more it gets talked about. In a world where attention is the currency, hateful ***** are the oligarchs!

Now you know who the real dog is? It's a sign you should re home him.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

trust me when I say from experience, it never ends well when he's still in love with the ex.

sounds like you're a rebound, time to get out.

randomnobody0622 6

u are dating him way yoo early, thats clearly a red flag, he needs time to let her go. hes still in a processing state of brakeup